Frequently Asked Questions for Munich:

+ How do I get from Munich airport to the city?

The best way to get from Munich airport to Munich city center is by train .

The two trains that connect the airport with the city center are the S1 and the S8. They both take about 45 minutes to get from the airport to Munich (the S8 is slightly faster but just by 4 minutes).

I have a detailed guide for you on my blog here.

+ How do I get from Munich to the airport?

To get from Munich to the airport you can take the S Bahn. The S Bahn trains S1 and S8 both go to the airport and take about 45 minutes. The airport is the last stop. The stop is underground in the airport.

I would advise you to take the S8 to the airport. The issue with the S1 is that halfway to the airport the train will stop and split into two trains! One train which will go to the airport, the other will go to a town called Freising.

Take the S8 if you can or the S1 if you must. Either way they both leave every twenty minutes.

Check out my detailed blog post on this topic here.

+ Where is the Flixbus station in Munich? (central bus station)

Most intercity buses, which include the very popular Flixbus buses, depart from the Munich Central Bus Station otherwise known as the ZOB.

It is important to understand that Munich Central Bus Station is NOT the same as Munich Central Train Station (Hauptbahnhof)!

There are a number of way to arrive at the Munich Central Bus Station:

  • Take the S Bahn to the stop called “Hackerbrücke”. From the train you have to walk up the stairs onto the bridge and then over to the bus station.
  • Walk 10 minutes west along Arnulfstraße from the Munich Central Train Station. The bus station will be on your left.

+ Is Munich Safe?

Yes! According to Bavarian Police reports there has been a steady decrease in overall crime for many years. It might be one of the safest cities you will ever visit.

Keep your eyes open in the area around the Main Train Station (Hauptbahnhof). It can be a little dangerous (especially at night. A common sight are people begging around this area. Some will be homeless people, others are from organised groups.

Pickpocketing is rare in Munich.

+ What number do i call in case of an emergency?

In case of emergency in Munich, here are the most important numbers:

Police 110

Fire Brigade 112

Emergency Medical Services 112

+ Do people speak english in munich?

Quite a lot of people in Munich can speak english. For example in cafés and restaurants the staff can usually speak some english. They may even have menus in english. I find that people will be more receptive if you first ask “Do you speak english?” before launching into what you want to say.

+ Can I pay with card in Munich?

Mostly no. Restaurants, cafés and attractions in Munich will often not accept card payment. Crazy, I know. It often shocks visitors from other countries. My advice would be to always carry some cash with you in Munich otherwise you may find yourself washing the dishes to pay for the plate of bratwurst you just ate.

We accept card payments for our tours though! You can pay with your card or even your phone!

+ What is the best beer in munich?


+ Where can i buy electronics?

If you are looking for a new charging cable, an adaptor, SD cards, batteries, headphones or any larger electronics then you should go to a shop called Saturn. This is a multi-storey electronics store located right in the centre of Munich. Opens from 09:30am to 8pm Monday to Saturday. Closed on Sundays.

+ Should I tip in munich?

Tipping is customary in cafés, restaurants and beerhalls or wherever a server comes to your table. The tip is not included in the bill.

Normally you tip about 10%, rounding up or down. You are required to look at your total, do a little mathematics and then tell the server how much you will pay.

For example, let’s say your waiter brings your bill and it totals €27.

  • 10% of €27 would be €2.70.
  • €27 plus €2.70 is €29.70 - round that up to €30.
  • You then give your waiter €30 cash and say “that’s fine” or in German “stimmt so”.
  • If you only have two 20 euro notes then you would need to say the amount, in this case - €30.

If the service was amazing then feel free to tip higher than 10%!

+ What should I wear in Munich?

  • Generally people in Munich dress quite casually.
  • Darker colours are common.
  • Flat comfortable shoes are the norm - heels are rare.
  • You don't need to dress up to eat at a restaurant (well maybe that says more about the type of paces I eat at...)
  • In winter it can be cold so wrap up in layers!

+ Where to buy a toothbrush in munich?

So you forgot to pack your toothbrush again? I know what that feels like - gross! You have two options:

  • A drugstore. In Munich there are two big names, you will find them dotted all over the city: "Rossmann" and "DM". Just search for drugstore near me on Google Maps.
  • A supermarket. They are everywhere and they will all have a small section with toiletries. Search for supermarket names such as Rewe, Edeka, Aldi and Lidl.